The Virginia Chapter of APCO is pleased to recognize the outstanding achievements of public safety telecommunicators within the Commonwealth of Virginia. Awards for 2014 will be announced and awarded at the 2015 NENA/APCO Spring Conference (April 22-24, 2015) in Virginia Beach. Awards are in the categories of Outstanding Individual Performance in a Critical Incident, Outstanding Team Performance in a Critical Incident, Telecommunicator of the Year, Trainer of the Year, Line Supervisor of the Year, Information Technologist or Radio Frequency Technologist of the Year, and Communications Center Director of the Year. Nominations must be received no later than Friday, March 6, 2015.
Each year, we receive many outstanding nominations in each category. The program is successful because others took the time to nominate those outstanding telecommunicators. Please take the time this year to submit a nomination for an individual or team you believe to be worthy. For Nomination Forms and additional information, visit Telecommunicator Awards Program.