Sunshine Fund Assistance
Having established a Virginia Sunshine Fund to provide a measure of financial assistance for those Public Safety Telecommunicators within the Commonwealth of Virginia who meet with a qualifying event of a nature that affects their personal lives or that of their qualifying immediate family member, the Executive Board has created and published a Request Form for Sunshine Fund Assistance consideration. Upon completion, the form should be submitted to the Chapter President.
Request for Sunshine Fund Assistance.pdf
Request for Sunshine Fund Assistance.doc
Program Guidelines for Sunshine Fund Assistance
SECTION 12.1 PURPOSE: To establish a mechanism for providing a measure of financial assistance for those Public Safety Tele-communicators within the Commonwealth of Virginia who meet with a qualifying event of a nature that affects their personal lives or that of their qualifying immediate family member.
SECTION 12.2 AUTHORITY: In accordance with ARTICLE V and ARTICLE X of these By-Laws as previously established and approved by the membership.
Public Safety Telecommunicator (Telecommunicator): The individual employed by a public safety agency as the first of the first responders whose primary responsibility is to receive, process, transmit, and/or dispatch emergency and non-emergency calls for law enforcement, fire, emergency medical, and other public safety services via telephone, radio, and other communication devices.
Public Safety Communication Center (PSCC): A public safety entity (which may include a PSAP or be referred to as an Emergency Communications Center or communications center) where emergency calls for service or 9-1-1 phone calls culminate, and/or where calls for service are dispatched to public safety service providers.
Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP): A facility equipped and staffed to receive emergency and non-emergency calls requesting public safety services via telephone and other communication devices. Emergency calls are first answered, assessed, classified, and prioritized. The FCC further defines a primary PSAP as a facility to which 9-1-1 calls are routed directly from the 9-1-1 Control Office. A secondary PSAP is defined as a facility to which 9-1-1 calls are transferred from a primary PSAP.
SECTION 12.4 POLICY: The Virginia Chapter of APCO shall establish a benevolent fund called the Virginia Sunshine Fund.
SECTION 12.5 USE OF VIRGINIA SUNSHINE FUND: The Virginia Sunshine Fund shall be used to provide financial support to Public Safety Telecommunicator or their immediate family, as described above within the Commonwealth of Virginia, who face an event that places a significant financial burden upon them.
SECTION 12.6 AVAILABILITY OF FUNDING : Based on the event and availability of monies in the Virginia Sunshine Fund individuals may qualify for a financial grant to assist them in this situation.
SECTION 12.7 FUND NOMINATION PROCESS: The Board of Directors, Past Presidents, or a current active member of the Virginia Chapter of APCO may recommend (nominate) a qualifying Public Safety Telecommunicator as a recipient for assistance.
The nomination is made by requesting a Virginia Sunshine Fund form from the President of the Virginia Chapter of APCO.
Upon receipt, the form must be completed, returned to the Chapter President, who will forward to the appointed review committee.
A decision will be made and the recommender notified of the results
If the particular circumstances of the nominee fail to meet the criteria, the reasons will be communicated accordingly by the Chapter President.
SECTION 12.8 QUALIFYING CONSIDERATIONS: To qualify for consideration, the nominee must meet these minimum requirements:
Be actively working and/or employed as a Public Safety Telecommunicator within the Commonwealth of Virginia at a Public Safety Communications Center (PSCC) or Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) at the time of the qualifying event.
Must have, within sixty (60) days of the nomination, experienced a life changing or life interference event.
SECTION 12.9 APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL REVIEW COMMITTEE: During their current term, the Chapter President will appoint a special review committee to coordinate and administer the activities associated with the Virginia Sunshine Fund.
The Chair of this committee will be appointed by the current Chapter President.
The appointed Chairperson will select and preside over the special review committee.
Preference shall be given to current members of the Chapter, especially if available funds are limited, but the special review committee has discretion to weigh other factors consistent with the intent of the Sunshine Fund in determining eligibility and the appropriate award tier.
SECTION 12.10 FUND CONTROLS: The following controls shall be put in place for the Virginia Sunshine Fund.
The Virginia Sunshine Fund will be funded solely by and through the voluntary contributions of the Virginia Chapter of APCO membership.
Contributions to the Virginia Sunshine Fund will be segregated from the operational funds of the Chapter.
All funds released must be made at the request of the Chapter President and released by the signature authority of the Chapter Treasurer.
SECTION 12.11 FUND DISTRIBUTION PARAMETERS: The following outlines the two tiered system established for the types of assistance which eligible immediate personnel and family members may apply. This system includes, but is not limited to, the types of incidents listed below:
Tier One responds to life changing incidents in an amount not to exceed $1,000:
A nominee or their spouse, partner or dependent child loses their life.
A nominee's spouse, partner or dependent child experiences a critical illness or injury.
A nominee's primary residence is lost as a result of a fire, storm or similar disaster.
A nominee experiences a critical illness or injury resulting in a disability.
Tier Two responds to life interference incidents in an amount not to exceed $500:
A nominee experiences an accident with recoverable injuries.
A nominee's primary residence is damaged as a result of a fire, storm or similar disaster.