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Virginia APCO has several standing and special committees that helps us manage the business of the Chapter and progress the profession.  These committees and taskforces are comprised of members of the Chapter who donate their time and effort to making a difference.  You too can become involved!


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Conference Committee

This committee shall be responsible for planning and coordinating the assigned APCO/NENA/Interoperability Fall Conference, and for providing input and assistance to NENA in its coordination of the APCO/NENA Spring Conference. A number of subcommittees may be designated particular tasks (facility and site planning, program, promotion and registration, etc.), so interested members should indicate a particular area of interest or expertise.

Co-Chairs:  Joell Kight, Tommy Tucker

Awards Committee

This committee shall prepare the information and application forms for the Telecommunicator of the Year Awards Program, and coordinate the publication and distribution of such. The committee shall review nominations for awards and reach a decision on the recipients of the designated awards. The committee shall coordinate obtaining the awards, secure attendance of the recipients, and assist with presentations as necessary.


Chair: Jada Lee (Virginia Beach)


By-laws/Policy Committee

This committee shall actively review the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation of the Chapter to insure the needs of the Chapter are met, and shall draw, or assist in drawing, resolutions to effect provisions for these needs, in concert with APCO International's guidelines.

Chair: Preston Main (Hanover Emergency Communications)


Historical Committee

The appointed chairman of this committee shall be the Chapter's representative to the International Historical Committee. This committee will actively research, compile and maintain a file on the records and history of the Chapter. It should include in its membership someone who is interested in photography and who will give of his/her talents (or get it done) in providing the Secretary with pictures to send to the International Executive Director, the International Historical Committee, and for the Chapter Historical File and providing the webmaster photos for this website.


Chair, Chapter Historian: William Martin (Culpeper County) 


Membership Committee

This committee shall actively explore ways to reach new members for APCO and, just as importantly, to keep the members already enrolled.


Chair: Corey Overstreet (Virginia Beach)


Training/Scholarship Committee

This committee shall promote communications officer and telecommunicator training throughout the Commonwealth, interfacing the Chapter with training courses provided by the APCO Institute and other organizations. The committee shall assist in identifying training courses or programs which may be offered at chapter conferences or independently. The committee may opt to develop particular training courses to benefit Chapter members. The committee may seek to identify additional funding support for such training.

Co-Chairs: Holly Williams (Carolina Recording) and Joell Kight (Fauquier County Sheriff's Office)

Nominating Committee

This committee shall have three (3) members. Its Chair shall be a Past President. This committee shall actively study the Chapter membership, observing individuals in an effort to evaluate interest in, and willingness to work at, promoting the goals of APCO, both at the Chapter and International levels. The committee shall solicit interested candidates from the eligible membership at least 60 days prior to the fall meeting. This committee shall bring the ballot to the fall meeting quorum, in the form of candidates for the offices of Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer, and when applicable, two (2) of the four (4) Directors-at-large or the Chapter delegate to the International Executive Council.


Group E-mail Address: Sonny Saxton (Charolettsville-UVA-Albemarle)

Commercial Advisory Committee

This committee specifically represents the commercial members of the APCO Chapter and provides an interface with the Chapter membership regarding commercial activities and programs which may benefit public safety communications. The committee supports the Fall Conference Committee by assisting in the recruitment and promotion of the Exhibitor Displays at the conference. The committee may assist in securing sponsors for various Chapter activities. The Chapter’s Commercial Advisor is appointed from the committee, and serves as its Chair and as representative to the International Commercial Advisory Committee.


Chair:  Curtis Johnson


Professional Communications Human Resource Committee (ProCHRT)

The Professional Communications Human Resources Committee will gather information, study, and prepare reference materials of communications human resources and recognition issues from across the state. These include professional recognition, certification requirements and retirement eligibility, all of which will poise Virginia APCO to be a resource for our members while assisting directly with those issues that are state classed in scope.


Chair: Celeste Baldino (Charlottesville-UVA-Albemarle)


Legislative Committee

This joint committee with VA NENA will monitor legislative and regulatory activities, both state and federal, which impact public safety communications. The committee will provide recommendations to the Chapter on positions supporting or opposing legislation, and will provide information regarding implementation of legislation. The committee may provide information to legislators and their staff regarding both legislation and public safety communications, and may assist in the drafting of any legislation proposed by the Chapter. Positions on legislation will be taken by the Chapter or Executive Council.


Chair: Tommy Tucker (Chesterfield County Emergency Communications)


Webmaster/Listserv Administrator

The webmaster will develop, establish, and maintain the organization's website with oversight from the Executive Council. The chapter also maintains a listserv for membership communication.


Webmaster: Chris Cord (Orange County Emergency Communications)

Listserv Administrator: Scott Chandler (Eastern Shore)



The president shall appoint committees as the need arises. These special committees shall continue to serve and operate as such until the tasks for which they have been appointed have been completed to the satisfaction of the President, or until changes are made by the President for the good and welfare of the Chapter.

Member and Chapter Services Committee

This committee is to support the membership by building relationships with chapter officers to keep them informed of membership initiatives and Association programs.


Chair: Celeste Baldino (Charlottesville-UVA-Albemarle)

Emerging Leaders Committee

This committee aims to alleviate some of the issues individuals face during their first few years in the industry. It would enable these individuals to have a sense of purpose, be mentored by career-oriented individuals, and network with individuals with the same experiences.

Chair: Toby Akers (New River Valley 911 Regional Authority)
FirstNet Committee

This committee aims to educate individuals on FirstNet and how it pertains to 9-1-1.

Chair: TBD


Virginia E-911 Services Board Regional Advisory Council (RAC)

APCO Chapter representative to the Virginia Regional Advisory Council (RAC). The Regional Advisory Council (RAC) will meet as scheduled.


Representative: Jeff Flournoy (Eastern Shore)

Regional Advisory Council (RAC) Charter (pdf)

Virginia Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board

APCO Chapter representative to the Virginia EMS Advisory Board, appointed by the Governor from three nominations made by the Chapter. The EMS Advisory Board meets quarterly. Visit Virginia's Office of EMS Website.


Representative: Kriste Farley (Orange County Emergency Communications)

Virginia State Interoperability Committee (SIEC)

APCO Chapter Representative to the Virginia State Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC). Visit Virginia's Interoperability Website.


Representative: Doug Campbell (Alexandria Emergency and Customer Communications)



700 MHz Committee Chair: Robert A. Delauney (Virginia Beach), Phone: 757-383-4066

800 MHz Committee Chair: Linda Boring (Hampton), Phone: 757-269-2430


Committee Request Form


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